Elephants hate kale and other lessons in bringing conservation and development together

5 min readJan 24, 2017


by Sarah A. Wyatt, Biodiversity Analyst, Global Environment Facility

With 96 elephants killed every day in Africa for their tusks, and organized crime and militia groups profiting from the trade, protecting elephants for future generations takes everyone working together. (all photo credits: Sarah A. Wyatt/GEF)

When I try to explain the importance of the GEF when it comes to protecting the world’s biodiversity, I end up with two main arguments.

First, biodiversity is not evenly distributed across the planet. And second, most of the places with the highest biodiversity are also the home of very poor people who can’t be asked to bear the costs of conservation alone. For example, there are 454 species of birds in Gorongosa National Park alone (an area a bit bigger than the US state of Rhode Island, a bit smaller than Delaware), while the total number of bird species for all of North America is only 914. I can give you more interesting stats like that, but I think it’s better to tell a story.

Mozambique is home to 740 species of birds including these dramatic flamingos

Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique is a beneficiary of a GEF project and also a participant of our new program to fight International Wildlife Trade. I was lucky to have the opportunity to visit Gorongosa National Park recently and witness its fascinating story of recovery with my own eyes.

Mozambique is an “LDC” or Least Developed Country, meaning that it is among the poorest on Earth. The region where Gorongosa is located has particularly suffered as it lies at the heart of the decades long civil war (until recently travel on the main highway was only recommended by an army escorted convoy). For the jobs that do exist, a basic standard wage would roughly be around $50 — $100 a month. Many people, especially women, survive through basic agriculture — farming corn.

Women selling tomatoes and leafy vegetables in the community center — a sight you wouldn’t have seen just a few years ago

We met Mãe Bendita during our trip to one of the villages surrounding the park. The village is a beneficiary of USAID’s project which helps local farmers adopt more productive agriculture practices. Ms Bendita — a model farmer of the project — teaches other farmers to grow a mix of crops, such as tomatoes, peppers, carrots, that not only have higher value and are more nutritious but also reduce the risk of losing all their harvest to extreme weather events. Our host also introduced us to her helpers — local teenagers who she hires when there is too much work to be done — something that she never would have been able to do before.

Mãe Bendita’s farm with a variety of crops and improved water management (see the tank in the upper left corner). These simple changes mean higher income, better nutrition for her and her children and grandchildren, and more resilience in the face of droughts and floods.

Now you may ask where the GEF comes into this picture. Every few nights, elephants cross the river that marks the boundary of Gorongosa National Park and head into farms just on the other side. Elephants eat the crops that these farmers have worked hard to grow and depend on to feed their families. Elephants don’t carefully pick an ear or two of corn — they destroy the whole plant. As a result, sometimes people get hurt — a park ranger was killed by an elephant at night while trying to shoo the elephants back into the park to protect villagers’ crops, homes and lives. In other places scared and angry elephants have killed people protecting their crops. And that puts park elephants and the surrounding communities in conflict.

The sun setting over the plains of Gorongosa national Park

At the same time, these communities are the first line of defense against poachers. The people know who is going into the park to hunt, whether it is some local teenagers or outsiders from far away. It is extremely important for the park’s conservation efforts to have the villagers on their side.

Waterbuck have a very strong smell that makes their meat unpleasant, so they survived the civil war better than most species in Gorongosa.

The park is home to many antelopes in addition to elephant tusks that are worth a year or more salary. To make it clear just how valuable even a simple impala or other antelope is — poachers don’t eat what they hunt, they sell it for other food like corn. But now, the conservation success of the park, a growing elephant population, is a burden for those who live nearby and are already barely surviving. If elephants are a threat to these people by raiding and damaging crops and homes and even hurting people, we can’t expect those same people to be partners in fighting poaching and protecting the park — no matter how much they like elephants or the park.

Tourism provides jobs and needed revenue for the communities during conflict. Tourists also bring supplies for the medical clinic and a favorite of kids most anywhere — soccer balls.

Part of the GEF project includes building a fence between the community and the river, helping to keep elephants out of the farms. Because determined elephants can make quick work of most fences, the park will also work with farmers to grow crops along the fence that elephants don’t like, such as chili peppers and kale. Mãe Bendita told us how happy they would be to have the fence to end the fear that comes with regular night time visits from the elephants most of us think of as cute. I can’t help but think of the words of the American poet Robert Frost, “Good fences make good neighbors.”

Many of Gorongosa’s emblematic lions have been fitted with tracking collars to learn more about them and to allow the park staff to respond if they are caught in a poacher’s snare.

This fence is one small, but important example of the steps we need to take to fight poaching. Fighting illegal wildlife trade and turning the tide of a multi-billion dollar industry run by criminal gangs and militias can feel overwhelming. Sometimes the victories are big and newsworthy like the recent Chinese government ban on ivory sales. However, sometimes steps to help ensure that elephants roam across Africa forever are straightforward and relatively simple — a fence and some spicy vegetables, because in the end successful conservation is about working with people.

This story originally appeared in the GEF Blog on January 13, 2017.




Written by GEF

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the world’s leading international institution investing in the joint management, care, and restoration of our planet.

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